Monday, May 26, 2008

Assignment 4

Question followed by octave 3.0.0 commands

1. Matrix of 256 x 1 ones-----ones(1,256)
2. Matrix of integers 0 - 255 in a single row........[0:1:255]
3. Single column of integers 0 -255.........[0:1:255]'
4. A 256x256 matrix with rows , all same, equal to numbers 0 - 255.......ones(256)*[0:1:255]
5. A 256 x256 matrix with columns all the same equal to 1-255.............[0:1:255]'*ones(1,6)
6. A 256 x 256 matrix all zeros........zeros(256)
7. A 256x256 matrix all ones.......ones(256)
8. A 256x256 matrix of the value 128......128*ones(1,256)
9. Repeat of 6

Display of gray scale image


Display of RB face
x(:,:,1) = (ones(256)*(255:-1:0)/255)';
x(:,:,3) = ones(256,1)*(0:1:255)/255;

12.RG face of color cube
x(:,:,1) = (ones(256,1)*(0:1:255)/255)';
x(:,:,2)= ( ones(256,1)*(255:-1:0)/255);

13. GB face of color cube
x(:,:,1) = zeros(256);
x(:,:,2) = (ones(256,1)*(0:1:255)/255);
x(:,:,3) = (ones(256,1)*(255:-1:0)/255)'

14. CM face of color cube
x(:,:,1) = (ones(256,1)*(255:-1:0)/255)';
x(:,:,2) = (ones(256);
x(:,:,3) = (ones(256,1)*(0:1:255)/255)';

15. Y-M face of color cube

x(:,:,1) = ones(256);
x(:,:,2) = ones(256,1)*(0:1:255)/255;
x(:,:,3) = (ones(256,1)*(255:-1:0)/255)';

16. YC face of color cube
x(:,:,1) =ones(256);
x(:,:,2) =(ones(256,1)*(0:1:255)/(255);

For questions 19 - 22

Let Matrix A=

19 Shift entries of a matrix A one place left(wrapping around left-> right)

Octave> [ 1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]*[0 0 1;1 0 0;0 1 ];

20 Shift the entries of a matrix A one pixel down (wrapping around the bottom->up)

Octave> [0 0 1;1 0 0;0 1 0]*A;

21.Shift the entries of a matrix A one place left(dropping values on the left edge)

Octave> [0 0 0;1 0 0;0 1 0]*A;

22. Shift the entries of a matix A one place down (dropping values on the bottom edge)

Octave: [0 0 0;1 0 0;0 1 0]*A;

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